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Introduction to Urban Farming Science

Introduction to Urban Farming Sciences (UFS) provides students with a strong academic foundation in biology, as well as, a practical understanding of how biological principles impact the world around them environmentally and socially. By using biology as a curricular foundation, UFS, educates students on the production of environmentally sustainable food sources. Traditional classroom learning is augmented through the application of biological principles in today’s food industry. Students learn to evaluate key biological components in healthy, productive soil by using and evaluating both inorganic and organic fertilizers. Students monitor and analyze the development of plants propagated in outdoor, greenhouse and hydroponic systems. Utilizing the BUSD’s rooftop farm and greenhouse, students will garner hands-on experience in traditional, soil-based growing techniques. This course also provides frequent access to the BUSD’s hydroponic storage container farm to experience a cutting edge, resource conscious alternative growing practices. These systems provide a variety of opportunities to construct scientific explanations of varied topics. Through the use of up-to-date literature and on-line resources, students learn to use scientific language in research documentation in effective discourse. By applying their classroom knowledge in a variety of projects, students will solidify their connections between academics, physical health and social impact.

Course Details

Bellflower High School & Mayfair High School

Monday/Wednesday 4:30 - 6:30 pm

This course is a 10 unit semester course. Students are required to complete additional Google Classroom Assignments during the semester.

This is a semester course.