Culinary Arts
Open to grades 9-12
This entry-level course prepares students to understand the scientific principles of nutrition and careers related to food and nutrition. Instruction includes nutrition, food safety, sanitation, meal management, food purchasing, food preparation and more. Students will demonstrate the ability to prepare and properly serve various food items for consumption. This course is UC a-g "g" approved.
Course Details - BUSD, PUSD & ABC District Students Only
Bellflower High School
Tues/Thurs 4:30 - 6:30 pm
10 Credits - Additional google classroom assignments are required to be completed for this course.
This is a semester course.
Course Details - LUSD Students Only
Lynwood High School
Mon 4:00pm - 6:00pm / Wed 3:30 - 5:30
10 Credits - Additional google classroom assignments are required to be completed for this course.
This is a semester course.
Articulated with Cerritos College-College Credit
This course is part of the Hospitality, Tourism & Recreation CTE Industry Sector.